
I begin

On the available offers of discounted audiobooks on Chirp, the following title popped up: I popped over to Goodreads to see what the reviews said. The top rated reviews weren't stellar. Apparently readers had wanted a self-help book with step-by-step instructions, but the listed title was written as a memoir. I wasn't deterred yet, but I wasn't convinced either. It seems odd for me to do this much research for an audiobook that was at a rock-bottom price ($1.99), but my pennies have been more precious lately. So I googled the author and found a Talk at Google that she had given on some of the themes in the book. Although our circumstances are different, I was inspired by her method of making small, incremental changes that accumulated significant results over time. Everything I have read and watched recently about habit-forming and long-term change has been founded on similar concepts. With a small amount of hope and a lot of faith in proven methods ... ... I begin.
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